Archives Events

Global Citizen Festival

Black Star Square Accra

Ghana's 65th anniversary of independence, as well as the 20th anniversary of the African Union, also fall in 2022, offering a greater opportunity for collaboration to move the continent and the world towards equality, development, and zero poverty.



The festival occurs on the first Saturday in May and the celebrations last all weekend. This festival is now more commonly known as the deer-hunting festival, as the human sacrifices have been replaced with the hunting and slaying of an antelope.In the morning of Aboakyer day, the paramount Chiefs, sub-chiefs, dignitaries and the public assemble […]

International AmoFest

Amphitheatre- Alliance Francaise, Accra , Ghana

International AmoFest is a festival dedicated to global music, folk music, ethnojazz, and fusions with other genres. The festival’s purpose is to provide a diverse program and to create an event that would energize and bring together black people from all over the world. Our festival is full of musical variety. Accra appears to be […]

Edina Bakatue Festival

Elmina, Central Region , Ghana

Tradition has preserved for Edinaman and its generations a marvellously rich Annual Festival which is second to none, captioned “Bakatue”. This festival has remained much treasured and constitutes the priceless cultural heritage of its citizens. Bakatue is a festival of the people of Elmina township and its traditional area, a geographical stool land more appropriately […]


Cape Coast Cape Coast, Ghana

Organised by the PANAFEST Foundation in Collaboration with the Ghana Tourism Authority and the Leaders and People of the Central Region of Ghana. Under the Auspices of the Government of the Republic of Ghana. The PANAFEST Festival was inspired by and takes its source from a paper written in 1980 entitled “Proposal for a Historical […]

PrePanafest Activity 2023.

SLAVE ROUTE PILGRIMAGE AND ATONEMENT CEREMONIES Leading up to the festival a 3-4day pilgrimage along the slave route mapped under the UNESCO slave route project will be offered as an option. Atonement ceremonies developed over the last few years  will be held. Sites of Memory  which hold the untold stories of  excruciating burden and tremendous […]

Wreath Laying and Tribute to the Pan A frican Pioneers

WREATH LAYING & TRIBUTE TO THE PAN AFRICAN PIONEERS A major event for PANAFEST and Emancipation Day will consist of a Wreath laying programme and Tribute to the Pan African Pioneers in Accra beginning at the W.E.B. DuBois Centre for Pan African Culture and continuing to the George Padmore Library and ending up at the […]

Pan African Arts Market.

Chapel Square , Cape Coast. Cape coast

A one-day pop up Pan African Market will be set up in the vicinity. This market will be prelude to the PANAFEST Expo and will feature artisans and creative brilliance (artefacts, fashion, natural cosmetics, food, drinks).

Colloquium, Master Classes and Workshops.

Chapel Square , Cape Coast. Cape coast

COLLOQUIUM, LECTURES, ASSEMBLIES and DIALOGUES Working with the University of Cape Coast and other partners such as the HBCU’s and African Heritage Studies Association (AHSA), a colloquium is held based on the festival theme . A selection of papers presented and proceedings will be published. Internationally renowned speakers will be invited to address at the […]

Return Journey and Akwaaba Ceremony

Cape Coast Castle Cape Coast, Ghana

RETURN JOURNEY AND AKWAABA CEREMONY The Programme will begin in the early morning with a gathering at the entrance of the Cape Coast Castle/Dungeon. A limited number of pre-selected Returnees will form a circle to invoke the spirit of the ancestors before proceeding to and through the “Door of No Return” to board canoes to […]

Ancestor Veneration

Nkyinkyim Nuhalenya, Ada Ghana , Ghana

This annual festival occurs in the second week of August, and is deeply influenced by southern Ghanaian culture, especially Ghana’s Ga-Dangme traditions. August is the month of Homowo and Asafotufiam; both are Ga festivals, though generally rooted in shared West African traditional rites. The festival is also known for the libation, prayers and traditional African […]