Category Tourist Attractions of Togo

Lake Togo

This lake is located at about a 45 minute drive from Lome.  It is close to the lake’s northern shore is Togoville, the centre of the local voodoo cult. Take a boat ride on the lake to Togoville to visit…

Akodessewa Fetish Market

The practice of voodoo began in West Africa, before being taken to the Americas by the enslaved. In countries like Togo, Ghana, or Nigeria the religion is very much alive. Many people believe healers using animal parts and strange talismans…

Lomé Grand Marché

The large central market  of Lomé is located near Lomé Cathedral in the city centre. The market occupies an entire city block in Lomé and consists of three sections, known locally as Atipoji, Asigame and Assivito. You’ll find anything at…